Hi, I'm Shoshana!
Everyone's got a friend who's got a Chiropractor who is also a Nutritionist who's peddling a whole slew of herbal supplements you can barely pronounce that are sure to cure your body ailments. Well, I'm not that person.
Ten+ years ago
I was that girl who obsessed over her meals and workouts. Because if I made one mistake that meant I'd ruined everything. All I knew was that I just wanted to be normal again. There had to be a way to have the body and health I wanted without making myself crazy.
I'm more comfortable in my skin and in better shape than I have been in my entire life. I've learned nutrition is not that serious, and that I will never go on a diet again. That word alone immediately makes you feel restricted. There's always room to enjoy life and the yummy foods that come along the way.
How You Can Benefit…
I've transformed the way I work with clients to help them achieve the happiness I have found while achieving the goals they set out for. There's no hocus-pocus, strict guidelines, or $100s of dollars in shakes and bars you have to buy - just me. A real mom with the same body challenges you face.
What I love about my nutrition private practice:
Helping you rebuild your relationship with food and uncover what it really means to reach your weight loss goals
Showing others it’s possible to change your habits and reach your goals without dieting.
Learning from you
Being able to help you find food freedom
Beach Day with my Beach Babe at 9 months old! Summer 2018
When work time rolls into nap time!
My Credentials
Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, but not everyone can call themselves a Dietitian.
I have a 4-year degree from Florida International University in Dietetics and Nutrition. I continued at FIU where I completed the required 900 hours of accredited internship before sitting for the RD exam. I'm a Registered Dietitian and licensed in New York State.
My Specialties
I am certified as a Sports Dietitian through two organizations: the International Society of Sports Nutrition and the Dietetic Registration. I've also become known for my expertise with kids of all age ranges. Some other areas I focus on within my practice include:
Weight Loss, Sports Nutrition, Pediatric Nutrition, Heart Disease, Gastrointestinal challenges, Sensory Processing Disorder/Picky Eaters, Pre-natal nutrition, Food Intolerances/Allergies, Supplements, Meal Planning, Family Nutrition, Baby Led Weaning, Post-Natal Nutrition, Adolescent and Teens, Meal Prepping, School Nutrition, Grocery Store Tours, and Corporate Wellness.
My Professional Resume Summarized
Contributing writer at Verywellfit.com
Nutrition Expert and Meal Plan Creator for My Peak Challenge
Author of Carb-Cycling for Weight Loss
Contributing nutrition writer for Jenny Craig
Contributing nutrition and supplement writer for Oxygen Magazine
Contributing nutrition and supplement writer for FitnessRx for Women Magazine and previous Senior Editor for same publication
Freelance copywriter for a number of supplement company start-ups and established organizations including Nature's Bounty umbrella of brands (Pure Protein, MET-Rx, Balance Bars, Body Fortress, Disney brand, Osteo Biflex, Ester-C, Nature's Bounty, etc), Evogen Nutrition, Truth Nutrition, Athelite Nutrition, and more.
Freelance recipe editor and developer for Turner Broadcasting
Senior Nutrition Editor - the Today Show Dietitian Joy Bauer
Recipe Analysis and Contributing Nutrition writer for Grey Dog Media PR firm - Hy-Vee grocery stores and Life:Beautiful Magazine
Web Editor and Product Specialist - Vital Pharmaceuticals Inc. AKA VPX Sports - the maker of Redline Energy Drinks
Editorial Director/Social Media and counseling Dietitian for Red Light, Green Light, Eat Right, inc. a Child Weight Management Program